
Published on 2022-02-08

Game Rust
Browse Rust servers
Type Airdrop Oxide Kits Economy
Version 2508
Offline since 3 months
Last Check
27 minutes
IP Address
Port 28215
Last wipe
6 months
Server Owner Twistex
Dynamic map
Hits this month
Country Norway NO

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Welcome to the Regnum EU (3X) server! On this server you can expect:



- 3X gather rate

- CraftingController





-Custom Loot




- Active and friendly staff members

-Wipe cycle: Weekly map wipe, biweekly BP full wipe (Wipes Fridays 8PM UTC+2)

We've collected the best plugins our community have asked for and we are still adding if we get any requests!

We also have several Anti Harassment, cheat detecting and ban systems, and much more!

How to join the server?

You can search for Regnum in the modded servers list in Rust, but you can also connect with just one click:


There is also a third option (works if you are in-game); press F1 on your keyboard typ in: client.connect

Become part of our community

We think community is the most important aspect of any project. We wouldn't be here if it weren't for the amazing people that encouraged us to make all of this happen, and helped us with great new ideas and helpful feedback.

If you'd like to be a part of the Regnum community, we'd love to have you join our Discord ( and talk to us! We depend on you to tell us how to improve our services, so if you have any questions, comments, ideas or bugreports be sure to tell us so we can improve the user experience for all our players!

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