Encoded RP

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Published on 2024-02-15

Game FiveM
Browse FiveM servers
Type RP PVP Race
Offline since 3 days
Last Check
7 minutes
Server Owner EncodedRP
Website https://www.encodedrp.co.za/
Discord https://discord.gg/kufusUFp4q
Hits this month
Country South Africa ZA

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Welcome to Encoded Roleplay

Embark on an immersive journey within a dynamic and ever-evolving world where limitless adventures beckon. Spanning from law enforcement to thriving entrepreneurial endeavors, our vibrant community caters to individuals aged 18 and above, with considerations made for individuals aged 17 who exhibit a level of maturity commensurate with our roleplay standards. Connect with like-minded role-players on

Discord and set forth on your next thrilling escapade today!

To initiate whitelisting procedures on our server, we kindly request your cooperation in providing a concise set of information and responses to straightforward inquiries. We do not conduct voice interviews or solicit any form of identification documentation. Moreover, we maintain a non-monetary approach to whitelisting, refraining from charging any fees or implementing queue prioritization based on financial contributions. Instead, priority in queue placement is determined by the frequency of engagement in roleplaying activities on Encoded Roleplay per month. Our server operates on a free-to-access model, ensuring equitable treatment and identical privileges for all members. We firmly believe in recognizing and rewarding diligent efforts within our community.

Encoded Roleplay presents a diverse array of immersive experiences:

  1. Police Department:  Embark on a journey from entry-level positions to higher ranks within the law enforcement agency. Safeguard the citizens of Encoded City from criminal elements, ensuring public safety and order.
  2. Emergency Medical Services: Progress from an intern to a skilled doctor within our EMS department. Extend aid to civilians in distress, saving lives and providing solace to the afflicted and bereaved.
  3. Mechanics: Showcase your mechanical prowess and embark on an apprenticeship in the automotive field. Through dedication and diligence, advance through the ranks to establish your own mechanic shop, offering repair services, customizations, and modifications to the residents of Encoded City.
  4. Department of Justice: Contribute to the legal system by joining the Department of Justice. Assist the Police Department, criminals, and civilians alike in navigating the complexities of court proceedings, ensuring justice is served.
  5. Criminal: Seize the opportunity to become a notorious and daring criminal by affiliating with a gang or organization. Commandeer illegal enterprises, exert control over illicit activities, and establish a fearsome reputation as a lawbreaker within Encoded City.

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