Happy Days RP v2 | Custom Clothing/Chains/MLOs/Scripts | Full Heist Chains | Active PD/EMS | Active Staff | .gg/HDRP


Published on 2022-11-14

Game FiveM
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Type RP
Last Check
1 minute
Map fivem-map-skater
Server Owner Jabe
Website http://discord.gg/hdrp
Discord http://discord.gg/hdrp
Hits this month
Country United Kingdom GB

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Welcome to Happy Days RP 2.1 (HDRP)

For the past ten months, HDRP has been a hub of immersive role-playing experiences. In this short time, we've amassed a staggering 12 years of playtime which we think is incredible and down to the hard work our team has been putting in to consistently deliver great things for our community, the goal for us is simple, create a place where people enjoy themselves and want to make their home, we do not accept Arena RP / W RP where people simply cannot accept a loss, we want everyone involved to have fun, Toxicity and Immaturity is another thing that is not tolerated at Happy Days, it's kinda in the name! Happy Days is dedicated to delivering the highest quality product we possibly can, amongst us we have some incredible technical skills and we've achieved so much, however we still intend to go so much further. I hope you will take the time to read our post and join our community.

Join us today - https://discord.gg/hdrp   

Why Join HDRP?

Our unique offerings include:


Dynamic Heist Chains: We have a complete player-ran heist chain including all of the banks, casino, yacht, humane labs, vr, oil rig, stores, bank trucks, atm robberies and many more!

.Custom Gang Chain System: Our in house team makes custom chains for most / all of the reputable gangs in city, some multiple chains, these are combined with effects imbued by gems found around the city!

Clothes as Items: Within city we have the ability upon request to ensure gang clothing is a craftable item instead of random people wearing your gang clothing causing trouble!

Huge Amounts of Legal Jobs: There are tons of legal jobs, alot of them player synced and reward you for playing as a group for these tasks.

Best in Class Pet System: Play fetch, feed, pet and ensure your pet sleeps! Our indepth pet system combined with props purchasable for the dog such as sunglasses, hats and shoes (many more) makes it a leading class pet system.

Player-Owned Gang Benches: We have a brand new bench system with 3D props to visualise things before you craft, these are all player ran and have room for many more!

Custom Crypto System: We are utilized a customized crypto system which allows users to earn crypto currency and access a black market, with a crypto car being rotated every 2-3 months for players to earn.
 Custom Trading Card System: With all prominent members of the city getting their own trading card, we've released over 60 in one series now, joining our city gives you the opportunity to be cemented here forever!

Boosting / Racing - Using some of the finest resources you can for boosting and racing means that you and comfortably boost and race without scuff enjoying the ability to vin scratch import cars when reaching X class!

Realistic Car Tuning: For our team, driving is a large part of why we play FiveM, we made sure the tuning/handling and sounds of the vehicles we bring in are top notch so to feel as immersed as possible.

Drug Purity System: We have multiple drugs in city with some having a purity system when crafting in the lab, craft incorrectly and your batches will be less than if you'd done it right!

Jail Break Heist Script: A full functional heist to break your friends out of jail who are facing the 9's - this is all done WITHOUT admin intervention and so fully scripted.

Best in Class Housing System: Our housing system has a best in class design system allowing for front garden prop decoration and sims-like ui when decorating making it easy to make your house a home.

Gun Tint / Custom Gun Tint System: In city you can find some tints for all of your weapons - we have also made it possible to create custom gun tints from a url and put these on your weapon.

NP Styled Key System: We have a player owned vehicle key system which stops new players coming in and distrupting your roleplay in a sense of they will need a hacking tool to steal a player vehicle - a normal lockpick works fine for npc vehicles!

Expert Development: Our skilled team consistently creates custom liveries, tattoos, MLOs, clothing, chains, and peds for users in the city, all tailored in-house to meet the highest standards.

Custom Arcade: We have our own VR Arcade which you can enjoy multiple experienced from Battle Royale, TDM, Go Karting, Air Hockey, Darts, Pool  and many more minigames for when you wanna chill!

Player Owned Jobs: We have a large amount of player ran/owned jobs such as, Redline Mechanics, Auto Exotics, Hayes, Tuner Shop, Burgershot, UwU Cafe, Bahama Mamas, VU, Icebox Jewelery, Real Estate, VP Imports and many more!

Huge Investments Into Infrastructure: We have secured the best server you can buy from an amazing provider 1 of 1 Servers - in 10 months we have only had downtime thanks to FiveM / CFX and not due to ourselves.

Professional Partnerships: We have within 10 months already made professional partnerships with the likes of Snipe an extremely experienced resource developer part of Project Sloth and his own team.

Recently Updated to Latest Core: We have in 2.1 recently updated to the absolute latest core, creating a lot of work for the team but worth it for the future of the server, we can now rest happy knowing we will never have to do a character or clothing wipe.

Strong Economic System: We have active reporting and SQL queries running to give us feedback daily on the current state of the economy and we actively track and keep down the amount of money within the city to keep the economy under contorl and a worthwhile place to spend your time.

Join us today - https://discord.gg/hdrp 

Community Videos:

Trailer 1 : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PxX5UFnNWsQ
Trailer 2 : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UbTGQE3ZiHo


Warm Regards,

The HDRP Team

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